The best Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + QOpen Cortana for voice input
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + SOpen Cortana for text input
 aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + IOpen Windows settings pane
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + AOpen Windows 10 Action Center
 aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + XOpen Quick Link menu
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + LeftSnap active window to left
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + RightSnap active window to right
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + UpSnap active window to top of screen
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + DownSnap active window to bottom of screen
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + Ctrl + LeftCycle through desktops to the left
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + Ctrl + RightCycle through desktops to the right
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + Ctrl + F4Close current desktop
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + TABAccess all desktops and apps in Task View
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + PrtScTake a screenshot and save it to Screenshots folder
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + GOpen the Game DVR recorder
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + Alt + GStart recording current activity on screen
aa922834-ed43-40f1-8830-d5507badb56c_91 + Alt + RStop recording
